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Abdominal painabnormalabnormal bleedingabnormal smearactiveadenomyosisAdenomyosis treatmentAdmin assistantAdministrative Assistantafter colposcopyageanxietyappointmentAustin FriarsavivaawardbabyBaby bluesback painback to back marathonbacterial vaginosisbartholin's cystBeverley KnightbirthBirth Before Arrival (BBA)birth controlbladder infectionbleeding after sexbleeding between periodsbleeding in pregnancybloatingbookingBRCA1BRCA2breastfeedingBVc-sectioncaesareancaffeinecancercancer of wombcelebritycervicalcervical abnormalitycervical cancercervical cancer awarenesscervical cancer preventioncervical screeningcervical screening awareness weekcervix cancerchafingcharitychia seedschicago marathonchildbirthchlamydiaCity of Londonclinicclinic availabiltyclinic opening timescoilcolposcopyComrades Marathonconceptionconsultantconsultant GynaecologistconsultationConsultation costcontraceptioncontraceptive implantcontraceptive pillCoronavirusCostcoughcovid-19covid-19 vaccineCQCcryptic pregnanciesCSAWcyclingcystitisdietdifficulties conceivingdigestiondischargedonationDr Ayanthi GunasekeraDr Shivani DattaniDyspareuniaearly pregnancyEarly pregnancy scaneffective careEllie Bakerendometrial cancerendometriosisendometriosis awareness monthEndometriosis dietendometriosis nutritionepiduralEventexerciseexercise and pregnancyfatiguefeminine hygienefertilityFetal WellbeingfeverfibroidsfishfitnessFront of House - Receptionistfundraiserfundraisinggene testinggenital injuriesgenital wartsgeriatric pregnancygift wellness foundationgivinggrowth scansGSMGyanaecology cancergynae cancergynae cancer awarenessgynae cancer awareness monthgynaecological cancergynaecologistgynaecologyhair losshand cleaning techniqueshealthhealth benefitsHealth Care Assistant (HCA)health issueshealthcarehealthyheavy periodshiringhome birthhome birth preparationhome birth tipshormone imbalancehormone replacement therapyhormoneshot flushesHPVHPV infectionHPV vaccinationHRTHRT shortagehuman papilloma virusHuman PapillomavirushygienehysterectomyhysteroscopyIBDimmunityimplantincontinenceinfectioninfection controlinfertilityInstagramInstagram Liveirregular periodsirritable bowel diseaseitchingIUDJaydessJo's TrustJob opportunityjobsjulie bowringkyleenakyleena coillabourlaparoscopiclaparoscopicallyLaura SouthernLGBTQ+Lichen SclerosuslletzlockdownLondon Marathonlumpsmale fertilityManchester Marathonmarathonmarketing managermedicationmen's healthmenopausemenopause anxietyMenopause at WorkMenopause Policymenopause symptomsmenopause testmenorrhagiamenstrual cyclemenstrual hygienemenstruationmental healthmigrainemigrainesminimally invasive surgeryMirenaMirrormiscarriagemissed periodmolar pregnancymoodMs Michelle Swermucus plugmyomectomyNarendra Pisalnatural methodsnewsNHSnurse led servicesnurse-lednutritionofferOily fisholder mumsorganicovarian cancerovarian cancer awarenessovarian cancer preventionovarian cystovarian cystsovarian reserveovariesOxford University/AstraZenecapainpain during sexPain opening your bowelspain reliefPain with intercoursepainful periodspainful sexpainful sex painful periodsPancake Daypatient carepatient safetyPCOSPCOS and management of late miscarriage.pelvic floorPelvic Floor Dysfunctionpelvic painpelvic ultrasoundperiodperiod crampsperiod painperiod povertyperiodsPfizer-BioNTechpH balancePharmaciergePHEpillPMDDPMEPMSPMTpolycystic ovarian syndromepolycystic ovariespostnatalpostpartumpostpartum healthPradnya Pisalpre-eclampsiaPre-Menstrual Exacerbationpregnancypregnancy complicationspregnancy sex positionspregnantpremenstrual dysphoric disorderprescriptionPressprivateprivate health coverPrivate insuranceprogesteroneproteinpubertyPublic Health Englandpublishedquit smokingrecipesrecurrent bladder infectionrelationshipsreproductive healthresearchRotterdam criteriarunningScar tissuesecond trimestersexsex during pregnancySex; Peeing after sex;sexual healthsexually transmitted infectionssheerluxeshowbizskin conditionssleepsmearsmear testsmear testssmear tests; cervical screeningsmokingsonographerSonographer job opportunityspermSTIsugarSugar Awareness Weeksurgerysymptomssymptoms endometriosistabootamponsteamthe coilThe Eve Appealthe implantThe MND Associationthe pillthe screening programmeThe Whittington Health NHS Trustthird trimesterthrushthyroidtiredtirednesstoxic shock syndrometraveltreatmentTSSTTCtubo-ovarian cancertwo in two weeksUltra Marathonultrasound scanUrinary frequency and constipationurinary incontinenceUterine Artery Embolisationuterine cancerUTIsvaccinevaginavaginalvaginal cancerVaginal candidiasisvaginal dischargevaginal healthVaginal irritation and infectionvaginal itchingVaginal mucosavaginal rejuvenationVaginismusveganveganismvirtual London Marathonvitamin Dvitaminsvulvavulval cancervulvodyniaWalk to Work Daywalkingweatherweightweight gainweight losswellnessWhittington Health NHS Trustwhy is sex painfulwomb cancerwomenwomen's healthwomens dayWorld Ovarian Cancer Day
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8 Results for “marathon”
Mr Pisal Presents Period Poverty with a Cheque for £7619
18th November 2022

Mr Pisal Presents Period Poverty with a Cheque for £7619

We were delighted to present The Gift Wellness Foundation led by Founder and chair Dr Zareen Roohi Ahmed a cheque for £7,619, that will be used...

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Helping End Period Poverty
5th October 2022

Helping End Period Poverty

At London Gynaecology, it goes without saying that women’s health is a subject close to our heart.  We are continually focussed on delivering the best care to our patients and we also try to help women who we don’t see in our clinics.  Over the years, we have supported many charitable causes that are focussed on improving the lives and healthcare of women.

This Sunday, consultant gynaecologist and keen runner, Mr Pisal, is putting on his running shoes to run the Chicago marathon to help end period poverty with the Gift Wellness Foundation.

Sadly, studies show that 1 in 10 girls and women in the UK cannot access feminine hygiene products during their period (known as period poverty) and this is only anticipated to worsen in the current financial climate.  The Gift Wellness Foundation aims to eliminate period poverty in Britain’s most deprived communities by 2025.

We have always been humbled by the generosity and kindness of patients, colleagues and friends, who like to support our charitable efforts, so if you would like to donate to this cause, help Mr Pisal over the finish line and take us closer to eliminating period poverty, please click here.

London Gynaecology are proud to have donated the first £1000.

Mr Pisal completes his double marathon fundraising challenge!
18th October 2021

Mr Pisal completes his double marathon fundraising challenge!

London Gynaecology is proud to share that Consultant Gynaecologist, Mr Pisal, has completed his back-to-back double marathon challenge in aid of raising funds to improve women’s...

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Mr Pisal’s Comrades Ultra Marathon Story
12th June 2019

Mr Pisal’s Comrades Ultra Marathon Story

On Sunday, Consultant Gynaecologist Narendra Pisal ran the Comrades Ultra Marathon in South Africa in aid of The Eve Appeal and Jo’s Cervical...

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Long Distance Running Tips
11th June 2019

Long Distance Running Tips

In light of Mr Pisal’s recent Ultra Marathon, we asked our fitness ambassador, Ellie Baker, for some tips on long distance running.  What are the challenges...

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Mr Pisal Runs The Comrades Ultra Marathon
29th May 2019

Mr Pisal Runs The Comrades Ultra Marathon

Giving back is at the core of what we do at London Gynaecology. We have a firm commitment to fundraising throughout the year, particularly for...

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Spotlight On Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust
28th May 2019

Spotlight On Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust

London Gynaecology’s Consultant Gynaecologist Narendra Pisal is running South Africa’s Comrades Ultra Marathon on 9th June this year. He is running to raise funds for...

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Spotlight On The Eve Appeal
28th May 2019

Spotlight On The Eve Appeal

On June 9th, London Gynaecology’s Consultant Gynaecologist Narendra Pisal will run the Comrades Ultra Marathon in South Africa, in aid of two charities very close...

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