Approximately 75-80% women (and men) get human papilloma virus at some stage in life. It usually produces no symptoms and many women will not even...
Consultant Gynaecologist & Gynaecological Oncologist Mr Saurabh Phadnis is featured in Metro, to share insight into the the new screening programme following the changes...
Genital warts is one of the most common STI in the UK in men and women however with HPV vaccination, the incidence is rapidly declining....
Professor Albert Singer, co-founder and trustee of the British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology and a founding member of the British Gynaecological Cancer Society,...
Consultant Gynaecologist & Gynaecological Oncologist Mr Saurabh Phadnis at London Gynaecology helps to clarify the changes and addresses concerns surrounding cervical screening. Mr Phadnis answers...
Miss Julie Bowring is a Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Health at Homerton Hospital, London. She completed her general gynaecological training in North West London...
We were delighted to hear the news yesterday that, after this summer, the HPV vaccine will be offered to 12-13 year old boys as well...
On No Smoking Day 2019, Consultant Gynaecologist Narendra Pisal looks at the effect of smoking on women’s health, outlining overall risk levels for gynaecological cancer...
Although as many as 75-80% of women (and men) get Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) during their lifetime very little is known about it. Mr Pisal...
We have the Gardasil-9 HPV vaccine in stock following the national shortage. If you require HPV vaccination, contact us on 0207 10 11 700.