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Our self test kit gives an indication of your ovarian reserve (AMH) and how much time there is left.

Modern day women are increasingly delaying starting families, but nature doesn’t always comply.  Infact ovarian reserve depletes significantly in early thirties and earlier in some cases.

If you are thinking of delaying starting a family or maybe you have concerns about your fertility, our AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) self-test kit provides an indication of your remaining egg supply (ovarian reserve) and how much time there is left.

Buy Your AMH Self Test Kit Now

AMH Self Test Kit


Who should take the test?

Women who have concerns about their fertility and would like a quick indicator of their ovarian reserve.

Women who are considering delaying trying for a family.

What does the test tell you?

The test tells you the level of AMH in your blood.  AMH indicates your level of remaining egg supply (‘ovarian reserve’).

AMH Self Test Kit


Who should take the test?

Women who have concerns about their fertility and would like a quick indicator of their ovarian reserve.

Women who are considering delaying trying for a family.

What does the test tell you?

The test tells you the level of AMH in your blood.  AMH indicates your level of remaining egg supply (‘ovarian reserve’).

In the comfort and privacy of your own home, you will receive our AMH self collection kit containing a 2 finger “prickers” lancets, blood collection tube, test request form, self addressed envelope and instructions.  The small amount of required blood is collected from your little finger and takes no more than a couple of minutes.

Once you have collected the sample you simply post it back to the laboratory in the self addressed envelope and wait for the result which are sent back to you via your preferred method within approximately 4 working days from the lab receiving the sample.

Buy Your AMH Test Kit Now

Order online now and follow these five simple steps.....

Step 1

Place your order online

Step 2

The self test kit arrives via Royal Mail within 2 working days

Step 3

The blood sample is collected at home and sent back to laboratory in self addressed envelope

Step 4

The sample arrives at the laboratory and is processed

Step 5

The results are reviewed and sent via your preferred method within 4 working days of the sample arriving at the laboratory

Order Your AMH Self Test Kit Today

Very fast and easy. Purchasing simple, test arrived the next day, taking the blood took a few minutes. Results arrived in a couple of days. Thank you!

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