Book Online

We are a leading private gynaecology practice with an expert colposcopy team providing colposcopy & abnormal smear management services from two convenient locations across London.


Same day appointments available, 6 days a week. Book Your Colposcopy Online Now or Call (24hrs)


Our colposcopy services, allow a specially trained gynaecologist to see your cervix clearly, to assess the nature of any cervical abnormalities, and, if necessary, recommend the right treatment.

Your consultant will explain all the colposcopy findings during your examination.

Doctify outstanding patient experience 2024


We have a transparent approach to our fees and offer packages where possible to ensure clarity of pricing upfront, whilst keeping our costs as low as possible.

  • Consultations

    • New Consultation


      30 minutes.

    • Follow-up Consultation

    • Telephone | Video Consultation (Follow-up) 30 min


      Kindly note that virtual appointments are only available on a case by case basis.

  • Colposcopy

    • Colposcopy Package

      • Diagnostic Colposcopy
        from £675

        Includes consultation and colposcopy.

      • Colposcopy Biopsy
        from £940

        Includes consultation and colposcopy and cervical biopsy, including lab fees.

      • Colposcopy & Treatment
        from £1,500

        Includes consultation and colposcopy and loop excision of transformation zone and histological analysis.

    • HPV Vaccination

      from £845

      Includes consultation with consultant gynaecologist and 3* vaccination injections.

Monday 08:30 - 19:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 19:30
Wednesday 07:45 - 19.30
Thursday 07:30 - 19:30
Friday 08:30 - 18:00
Saturday 08:30 - 13:00

Clinic Times

We’re delighted to offer daily clinics, same day appointments and virtual appointments, for those who need to be seen urgently.

Clinic Times

We’re delighted to offer daily clinics, same day appointments and virtual appointments, for those who need to be seen urgently.

Monday 08:30 - 19:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 19:30
Wednesday 07:45 - 19.30
Thursday 07:30 - 19:30
Friday 08:30 - 18:00
Saturday 08:30 - 13:00
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