Recurrent Miscarriage
What is recurrent miscarriage?
Recurrent miscarriage is when a woman suffers 3 miscarriages or more, regardless of any healthy pregnancies she may have had. In these situations, tests are advised to determine if there is an underlying cause. Investigations may also be offered after 2 miscarriages depending on the individual circumstances.
What is the chance of suffering with recurrent miscarriages?
Whilst incredibly difficult and often not talked about, miscarriages are very common and approximately 25% of all conceptions will lead to miscarriage. Recurrent miscarriages however affect 1% of all women. Therefore 1 in 100 women of childbearing age will be affected by recurrent miscarriage.
What are the common causes of recurrent miscarriage?
The common causes of recurrent miscarriage include increased maternal age (where risk of miscarriage is higher), uterine factors (fibroids, polyps or congenital abnormalities of the uterus), thrombophilia and chromosomal issues of one or both parents.
What are the tests and investigations that that will be offered?
We have a specialist recurrent miscarriage package that includes the blood tests to identify the common causes as outlined above. A pelvic ultrasound scan is also offered if required. To see our package, click here.
Will I find answers to the miscarriages?
Unfortunately the cause is not always identified and the tests provide answers in 50% of cases. Whilst this can be frustrating it also means there is a good chance of success in the next pregnancy.
What resources can I access if I’m suffering with recurrent miscarriage?
The Miscarriage Association offers advice and support for those affected by miscarriage, also the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists have a patient information leaflet which can be downloaded here.