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Abdominal painabnormalabnormal bleedingabnormal smearactiveadenomyosisAdenomyosis treatmentAdmin assistantAdministrative Assistantafter colposcopyageanxietyappointmentAustin FriarsavivaawardbabyBaby bluesback painback to back marathonbacterial vaginosisbartholin's cystBeverley KnightbirthBirth Before Arrival (BBA)birth controlbladder infectionbleeding after sexbleeding between periodsbleeding in pregnancybloatingbookingBRCA1BRCA2breastfeedingBVc-sectioncaesareancaffeinecancercancer of wombcelebritycervicalcervical abnormalitycervical cancercervical cancer awarenesscervical cancer preventioncervical screeningcervical screening awareness weekcervix cancerchafingcharitychia seedschicago marathonchildbirthchlamydiaCity of Londonclinicclinic availabiltyclinic opening timescoilcolposcopyComrades Marathonconceptionconsultantconsultant GynaecologistconsultationConsultation costcontraceptioncontraceptive implantcontraceptive pillCoronavirusCostcoughcovid-19covid-19 vaccineCQCcryptic pregnanciesCSAWcyclingcystitisdietdifficulties conceivingdigestiondischargedonationDr Ayanthi GunasekeraDr Shivani DattaniDyspareuniaearly pregnancyEarly pregnancy scaneffective careEllie Bakerendometrial cancerendometriosisendometriosis awareness monthEndometriosis dietendometriosis nutritionepiduralEventexerciseexercise and pregnancyfatiguefeminine hygienefertilityFetal WellbeingfeverfibroidsfishfitnessFront of House - Receptionistfundraiserfundraisinggene testinggenital injuriesgenital wartsgeriatric pregnancygift wellness foundationgivinggrowth scansGSMGyanaecology cancergynae cancergynae cancer awarenessgynae cancer awareness monthgynaecological cancergynaecologistgynaecologyhair losshand cleaning techniqueshealthhealth benefitsHealth Care Assistant (HCA)health issueshealthcarehealthyheavy periodshiringhome birthhome birth preparationhome birth tipshormone imbalancehormone replacement therapyhormoneshot flushesHPVHPV infectionHPV vaccinationHRTHRT shortagehuman papilloma virusHuman PapillomavirushygienehysterectomyhysteroscopyIBDimmunityimplantincontinenceinfectioninfection controlinfertilityInstagramInstagram Liveirregular periodsirritable bowel diseaseitchingIUDJaydessJo's TrustJob opportunityjobsjulie bowringkyleenakyleena coillabourlaparoscopiclaparoscopicallyLaura SouthernLGBTQ+Lichen SclerosuslletzlockdownLondon Marathonlumpsmale fertilityManchester Marathonmarathonmarketing managermedicationmen's healthmenopausemenopause anxietyMenopause at WorkMenopause Policymenopause symptomsmenopause testmenorrhagiamenstrual cyclemenstrual hygienemenstruationmental healthmigrainemigrainesminimally invasive surgeryMirenaMirrormiscarriagemissed periodmolar pregnancymoodMs Michelle Swermucus plugmyomectomyNarendra Pisalnatural methodsnewsNHSnurse led servicesnurse-lednutritionofferOily fisholder mumsorganicovarian cancerovarian cancer awarenessovarian cancer preventionovarian cystovarian cystsovarian reserveovariesOxford University/AstraZenecapainpain during sexPain opening your bowelspain reliefPain with intercoursepainful periodspainful sexpainful sex painful periodsPancake Daypatient carepatient safetyPCOSPCOS and management of late miscarriage.pelvic floorPelvic Floor Dysfunctionpelvic painpelvic ultrasoundperiodperiod crampsperiod painperiod povertyperiodsPfizer-BioNTechpH balancePharmaciergePHEpillPMDDPMEPMSPMTpolycystic ovarian syndromepolycystic ovariespostnatalpostpartumpostpartum healthPradnya Pisalpre-eclampsiaPre-Menstrual Exacerbationpregnancypregnancy complicationspregnancy sex positionspregnantpremenstrual dysphoric disorderprescriptionPressprivateprivate health coverPrivate insuranceprogesteroneproteinpubertyPublic Health Englandpublishedquit smokingrecipesrecurrent bladder infectionrelationshipsreproductive healthresearchRotterdam criteriarunningScar tissuesecond trimestersexsex during pregnancySex; Peeing after sex;sexual healthsexually transmitted infectionssheerluxeshowbizskin conditionssleepsmearsmear testsmear testssmear tests; cervical screeningsmokingsonographerSonographer job opportunityspermSTIsugarSugar Awareness Weeksurgerysymptomssymptoms endometriosistabootamponsteamthe coilThe Eve Appealthe implantThe MND Associationthe pillthe screening programmeThe Whittington Health NHS Trustthird trimesterthrushthyroidtiredtirednesstoxic shock syndrometraveltreatmentTSSTTCtubo-ovarian cancertwo in two weeksUltra Marathonultrasound scanUrinary frequency and constipationurinary incontinenceUterine Artery Embolisationuterine cancerUTIsvaccinevaginavaginalvaginal cancerVaginal candidiasisvaginal dischargevaginal healthVaginal irritation and infectionvaginal itchingVaginal mucosavaginal rejuvenationVaginismusveganveganismvirtual London Marathonvitamin Dvitaminsvulvavulval cancervulvodyniaWalk to Work Daywalkingweatherweightweight gainweight losswellnessWhittington Health NHS Trustwhy is sex painfulwomb cancerwomenwomen's healthwomens dayWorld Ovarian Cancer Day
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12 Results for “pregnant”
Pfizer & Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine: guidance for women of childbearing age, pregnant or breastfeeding
20th January 2021

Pfizer & Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine: guidance for women of childbearing age, pregnant or breastfeeding

This page was updated on 20th January 2021, in line with the latest government guidance. Public Health England wants to inform women, currently pregnant or breastfeeding...

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Maternity Fitness Clothes
19th June 2019

Maternity Fitness Clothes

Whether you prefer yoga, swimming, spinning, or just a run round the block, the health benefits linked to exercising while you are pregnant are innumerable....

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Molar Pregnancy
24th May 2019

Molar Pregnancy

Consultant Gynaecologist Narendra Pisal defines molar pregnancy, explaining its symptoms, treatment and risk factors.  Molar pregnancy is a rare complication of pregnancy where the fetus and...

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World Pre-Eclampsia Day
22nd May 2019

World Pre-Eclampsia Day

On World Pre-eclampsia Day, Consultant Gynaecologist Pradnya Pisal offers an insight into this pregnancy complication. Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication where the mother develops high blood...

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Veganism During Pregnancy
9th May 2019

Veganism During Pregnancy

London Gynaecology’s nutritional therapist, Laura Southern, discusses whether veganism can be safe and healthy during pregnancy. Whether a vegan diet is problematic in pregnancy depends on...

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Everything you need to know about Epidurals
10th April 2019

Everything you need to know about Epidurals

One in four women have an epidural during labour. They help to reduce the pain during child birth, but not everyone likes the idea. However,...

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Why Meghan could give birth any day now
3rd April 2019

Why Meghan could give birth any day now

The Duchess has revealed her due date will fall around end of April to beginning of May, but she could give birth much earlier than...

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Can you really have a Surprise Pregnancy?
26th March 2019

Can you really have a Surprise Pregnancy?

Is it really possible to not know you’re pregnant until you give birth? According to the BMJ, ‘cryptic pregnancies’ are estimated to occur in around...

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Veganism and Pregnancy
19th March 2019

Veganism and Pregnancy

Nutritional Therapist Laura Southern discusses whether a vegan diet is sufficiently supportive during pregnancy. Read the full article here.

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Your BMI & Getting Pregnant
18th July 2018

Your BMI & Getting Pregnant

A healthy BMI improves your chances of getting pregnant, both naturally and through IVF as extra weight can upset the balance of hormones that affect...

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