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18th July 2017

HPV Immunity Boosting Soup

In most cases HPV is naturally fought off by the body’s own immunity, so it’s important to support your immune system if trying to rid yourself of HPV.  Nutritional therapist, Laura Southern has created a broccoli, asparagus & pea soup packed with nutrients to support your immune system as well as being healthy and delicious.


Broccoli, Asparagus & Pea Soup

tbsp virgin coconut oil (see if you can buy unflavoured variety)

200g broccoli florets (chopped)

125g asparagus (chop the woody bottoms off, and chop)

3 large handfuls frozen peas

large handful fresh parsley or basil

salt and pepper

veg or chicken stock cube with 400ml hot water

4 teaspoons raw seeds – either pumpkin or sunflower

In a large saucepan heat the coconut oil until liquid and put in the frozen peas. Stir for a minute or two. Add the stock to the pan and add the broccoli and asparagus.  Bring to the boil and reduce the heat and simmer gently for 10-12 minutes, until the broccoli and asparagus are tender. Add in the fresh herbs. Season to taste, then transfer to a liquidizer. Blend until smooth. Serve in bowl and sprinkle each bowl with a teaspoon of seeds.


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