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15th June 2017

Charity Donation to Jo’s Trust

This week is Cervical Screening Awareness Week, and it was fitting that on Monday 12th June we presented a fundraising cheque to Jo’s Trust for £9,000.

, Charity Donation to Jo’s Trust

The money was raised in April when Mr Pisal ran the Brighton marathon and London Gynaecology matched every donation pound for pound.  To make it even more special, this year, on his 10th marathon, Mr Pisal ran his personal best of 3hrs and 51mins.

Niamh Kilalea from Jo’s Trust said “£9,000 is an incredible amount that will greatly support the work of Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust. We are so grateful for the dedication and hard work of Mr Pisal & London Gynaecology in raising this outstanding figure. £9,000 could go towards keeping our vital Helpline open for a year, providing a listening ear and reassurance to women with cervical cancer at times of crisis.”

Jo’s Trust are the only charity dedicated to raising awareness of cervical cancer and campaigning for excellence in treatment and prevention of this disease.


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