Ultrasound Scan
Our sonographer services are led by a women’s health expert sonographer at our new, ultra-modern clinic in the city, using state-of-the-art scanning imaging.
We are pleased to provide a variety of sonographer-led services by expert women’s health sonographer Edel Muchemeyi, at our modern and newly opened clinic in the historic Austin Friars Square in the City of London. The services include early pregnancy scanning (pre 13 weeks and wellbeing scans) in addition to pelvic ultrasound scans. Prices start from £160, learn more here.
We also offer a consultant-led scanning service, this is for patients who may prefer to or need to see a gynaecologist and can have a scan performed within of the appointment. These services including pregnancy screening and scanning and to investigate symptoms affecting gynaecological health.
Why should I have an ultrasound?
An ultrasound scan is used to help in making a diagnosis so that appropriate treatment can be offered. If you have any concerns about having an ultrasound scan, please discuss this with the member of staff who will be performing the examination.
Ultrasound scan to investigate certain symptoms
A pelvic ultrasound scan can be performed to investigate symptoms and provide a diagnosis of gynaecological conditions such as:
- Fibroids
- Ovarian cysts
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Endometriosis
It looks at the structure of your uterus and ovaries. An ultrasound scan can also be performed to look at your ovaries if you have symptoms you are concerned about or associated with ovarian cancer. Your GP may recommend that you have an ultrasound scan to investigate changes to your cycle, abnormal bleeding, infertility or to check the position of a contraceptive coil.
Are there any alternatives?
In some cases, ultrasound scanning has no alternatives but an MRI or CT scan can be used instead or in addition to ultrasound scanning.
Are there different types of ultrasound scans?
The types of ultrasound scans commonly used in obstetrics and gynaecology are:
- External abdominal ultrasound scan – the probe is moved over the skin
- Internal (vaginal) ultrasound scan – the probe is inserted into the body (vagina)
- HyCoSy or Aqua scan – this scan is performed to assess the uterine cavity and patency of fallopian tubes
When is a transvaginal (internal) ultrasound scan needed?
The internal (vaginal) ultrasound scan allows the probe to be placed inside the vagina so that it is closer to the pelvic organs being examined. This provides clearer pictures of the uterus, ovaries and abnormalities that may lie deep in the pelvis.
How should I prepare for an ultrasound scan?
Before having some types of an ultrasound scan, you may be asked to follow certain instructions to help improve the quality of the images produced. You may be advised to drink water and not go to the toilet until after the scan – this may be needed before a scan of your unborn baby or your pelvic area. You can eat as normal and you do not need to starve.
There will be a toilet nearby to empty your bladder once the scan is complete.
How long does an ultrasound scan generally take?
An ultrasound scan takes around 15-20 minutes. It will be carried out in the ultrasound department or in the consulting rooms in the clinic.
Will I feel pain?
Ultrasound scans are generally painless, although you may experience some discomfort as the probe is pressed over your skin or inserted into your body. The practitioner will stop the scan if you cannot tolerate the discomfort or pain. If you have an abdominal scan on a full bladder, you may experience some discomfort.
Are there any risks or side effects with ultrasound scans?
There are no known risks from the sound waves used in an ultrasound scan with regulated settings of the ultrasound machine. Ultrasound scans do not involve exposure to Xrays or radiation. Both external and internal ultrasound scans don’t have any side effects. In case of early pregnancy scans, the vaginal scan does not induce bleeding or cause a miscarriage. As a precaution against possible infections, before each examination the ultrasound probes are cleaned with recommended cleaning wipes.
Are there any risks to using ultrasound or doppler ultrasound in pregnancy?
Ultrasound has an excellent safety record. It has been used in pregnancy for over five decades with no proven harmful effects and has many benefits for the management of the pregnancy.
In pregnancies Doppler (pulsed wave and colour) is used only very briefly, if required and when clinically indicated, for example to look at the developing heart or to look at blood flow in the baby. All scans that we provide adhere to the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) by reducing the thermal index and exposure time, whilst still obtaining all the diagnostic imaging that is required to provide the highest standard of care for your pregnancy.
What happens after an ultrasound scan?
The person performing the scan will usually inform you of the findings or arrange for you to see your doctor. If your scan is performed by a sonographer, if appropriate, they will tell you if any abnormality is detected. You will be given a report immediately or the report will be emailed to you. For pregnancy scans, you will be given a copy of the images of your baby. Your doctor will explain the scan findings, make a diagnosis and then discuss further investigations and treatment options.
Can a Sonographer provide a diagnosis?
Sonographers are trained specialists who are able to produce diagnostic scan images that are part of the diagnostic process which help a medical practitioner formulate a final diagnosis and treatment plan.
Our sonographers provide a comprehendible report which should be shared with a clinician for review and diagnosis.
If you do not have a GP or wish to see a consultant gynaecologist, our sonographers can refer you to one of our doctor after your visit.
Where can I find out more information or access any useful support services?
Read our ‘Having an Ultrasound Scan’ patient information leaflet.
Make an Appointment:
London Gynaecology is private gynaecology practice providing daily clinics at our practice locations at Austin Friars, City of London and The Portland Hospital. We provide both consultant and sonographer-led services using state-of-the-art scanning equipment at both sites and as a practice, we pride ourselves in providing a first-class service at the entire stage of the patient pathway.