Our new clinic is conveniently based at Ground Floor, 15 Austin Friars, just a short distance from Bank, Liverpool Street and Moorgate stations.
Austin Friars
15 Austin Friars
If you are travelling by Taxi/Uber, the most convenient address to go to is, Finsbury Circus Gardens EC2M 7DT, (drop off point, London Wall entrance, Circus Place). We are a 4 minute walk from here. (Directions below)
If you are driving, the closest car park is, NCP London Finsbury Square, Finsbury Square, Finsbury, London EC2A 1AD, an 8 minute walk away, directions below.
From Bank Station
From Liverpool St Station
From Moorgate Station (via Throgmorton Ave gate open 7am-7pm)
Via Taxi/Uber, Finsbury Circus Gardens EC2M 7DT, (drop off point, London Wall entrance, Circus Place)
Car park: NCP London Finsbury Square