Ovarian Cancer Screen
Ovarian cancer is one of the commonest types of cancer in women. If you have family history or are concerned about symptoms our ovarian cancer test provides detail and reassurance.
What is ovarian cancer screening?
The purpose of screening is to try to detect disease before symptoms appear.
There are screening programmes for breast, cervical and bowel cancer in the UK. At present there are ongoing studies to find a screening test for ovarian cancer.
What does the ovarian screen include?
- 30 minute consultation with a Consultant Gynaecologist
- Full history taking and pelvic examination
- Blood pressure assessment
- CA125 blood test
- Ultrasound scan
- Direct access for any urgent health concerns
How often should you have it?
*the speed at which ovarian cancer develops can be variable therefore annual screening will only provide 90% protection.
Who might benefit from screening (Ovarian cancer test)?
Women with a strong family history; having a strong family history may mean that you are at a significantly higher risk of developing ovarian cancer, if you have:
- two or more close relatives have had ovarian cancer or,
- one relative has had ovarian cancer and another has developed breast cancer aged under 50 or,
- a relative has developed ovarian cancer and two others have had breast cancer aged under 60.
Access to a cancer genetic centre for confirmation of your risk and advice on how you may want to manage it can be arranged by your GP or gynaecologist. This may include information on having your ovaries removed as a preventative measure.
Women with a weak family history; in this group many women will have one close relative who has developed ovarian cancer and you may be feeling anxious about your own risk. Your risk is generally only slightly increased and the value of screening is uncertain. However, your risk may be increased if you have a week family history and come from an Ashkenazi Jewish family.
If you have any doubt about your level of risk, please seek advice from your GP or gynaecologist and If necessary a referral to a local cancer genetic centre for advice and counselling can be made.
Please note, most people find a normal screening result reassuring. It is important to be aware however that the CA125 test or ultrasound scan will not pick up every case of ovarian cancer. These sorts of results, called false negatives, do happen. This means a small number of people will be wrongly told that they do not have cancer – learn more here.
Overcome is the UK’s ovarian cancer charity providing expert support and information. To learn why it is important to have screening for ovarian cancer along with further details about the screening tests available, how effective they are and who might benefit, visit their website. It is important to be aware of the problems ovarian cancer screening can involve – click here to learn more. The charity also offers a support line to discuss anything related to ovarian cancer.
Whilst we aim to provide a one stop service for the maximum convenience of our patients, if you have any questions pertaining to your results, we request a follow up appointment is booked. Follow up appointments can be done virtually 30 mins (£175), 15 mins (£100) or face to face 30 mins (£280).
- £705 (consultation, scan and blood test)