Mr Pisal’s virtual London Marathon raised £11,668.13 for women’s health services at NHS Trust
We are delighted to share that Mr Pisal raised an incredible £11,668.13 for The Whittington Health NHS Trust that will be used to support the department of women’s health at the Trust.
This fantastic amount was raised by generous supporters, patients and colleagues and supported by London Gynaecology after Mr Pisal completed the first-ever virtual London Marathon back in October. Mr Pisal’s aim was to fundraise to support the women’s health services at the hospital at this ever-challenging time for the NHS.
Despite the poor weather conditions and non-stop rain on the day, Mr Pisal completed the marathon in an impressive time of 4 hours, 35 minutes and 19 seconds.
Mr Pisal is photographed from a safe distance with Siobhan Harrington, CEO of The Whittington Hospital on 17th December 2020, presenting the cheque to the Trust.