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20th March 2017

Mr Pisal Talks Gynae

Mr Pisal, Consultant Gynaecologist at London Gynaecology and the Whittington Hospital (NHS), spends almost all his time discussing and treating patients.  In this Q&A we learn more about Mr Pisal and what he thinks are the most important things to be aware of in women’s health today.

Why did you choose this specialism?

It was the pleasure and adrenaline of delivering babies into this world that attracted me to this field. It is amazing to be involved in somebody’s happiest moment.  Paradoxically, I don’t deliver babies any more as I focus more on oncology and key-hole surgery.

Describe a usual day in the life of a Consultant Gynaecologist?

My job involves seeing women with various health problems and making a diagnosis and arranging appropriate treatment. The most interesting part of my job is key-hole surgery. Women can have a major operation like hysterectomy (removal of womb) or myomectomy (removal of fibroids) through tiny incisions and recover within days. It is really satisfying. I am also an expert in colposcopy which is to do with assessment and treatment of abnormal smears.

What health issues do you think women should be more aware of?

I think women should be aware of screening in the form of cervical smears that are offered on the NHS. Nearly 1 out of 3 women do not have regular smears and that is a missed opportunity. It only takes 5 minutes to save your life and you owe it to your near and dear ones. Please book your smear today.

A lot of taboos have broken down around breast cancer, do women need to make similar checks for their gynaecological health? If so, what and how should they check themselves?

Women should have regular smears as requested by their GP. Six symptoms women should watch out for are: Bleeding after menopause, bleeding between periods, bleeding after sex, bloating, change in bowel habits and abdominal pain especially after the age of 45, pain during or after sex and any unusual lumps. It is best to see your doctor urgently if you are concerned.

What do you say to women who feel embarrassed about visiting the gynaecologist or their GP/nurse about gynaecological issues?

There is no need to be embarrassed at all. Doctors and nurses will always look after you with utmost sensitivity and gentleness. They often see anxious and nervous patients and it is normal to feel like that.

What is the most interesting thing you have seen in your career?

I once saw a woman who presented with ‘a bit of tummy ache’. She thought she was putting on weight in her middle age. On examination and scan, she was found to have a 55cm ovarian cyst weighing 19kg! Fortunately, the cyst turned out to be benign and the operation went well.

What are some of the most extreme cases you have dealt with?

We sometimes see cases of advanced cancers and feel sad about all the missed opportunities. It is so important to be health-aware and report any unusual symptoms.

What do you want women to know about your field and their health?

Be aware of what’s available. Have regular smears, always have a ‘full MOT’ at 50 through your GP or even privately.  Talk to other women and make them aware of what they should do. This is one of the most important uses of social media.  At London Gynaecology we package up healthcare services to make it easy for patients to understand what they might need whilst researching on the internet.


If you wish to know book an appointment with a consultant, please contact London Gynaecology on 020 10 11 700 or email [email protected].

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